120 min
Hasta 4 personas
Por viaje

  Un tour en nuestros Tuk Tuk es mucho más que un recorrido por la ciudad. Nuestras audioguías digitales en varios idiomas descubrirán los secretos mejor guardados del patrimonio local, llevando la experiencia a un nivel superior. El patrimonio y la cultura local nos hacen diferentes, y A Coruña es una ciudad con un mucho que contar. Esta ruta premium va más allá de los puntos de interés típicos y profundiza todavía más en el pasado coruñés, haciendo, además, una parada adicional para disfrutar de las maravillosas vistas de la costa coruñesa.

PARADAS «Monte de San Pedro», «Torre de Hercules»
IDIOMAS Inglés, Alemán, Español
NOTA No permitido para menores de 2 años
PRECIO 145 € por tour (Maximo 4 personas – 36,25 cada persona). Solo se vende tour completo
TIEMPO 80 minutos aprox

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Eventos especiales

Tenga en cuenta que los bebés y los niños ocupan un asiento. Al realizar la reserva, por favor infórmenos del número de participantes mediante el cuadro de comentarios.


Starting Point: Cruise Terminal (Palexco) Your adventure begins at the modern cruise terminal of A Coruña, a link between the sea and the city. Hop on our tuktuk and get ready for an unforgettable journey.
María Pita Square

Marina and María Pita Square Cross the maritime heart of A Coruña, the Marina, known for its characteristic glass-paneled buildings that shimmer under the Galician sun. Next, admire the grandiose María Pita Square, named after the local heroine who defended the city against the English in the 16th century.

Saint Antón Castle

San Antón Castle and Old City Walls Visit the San Antón Castle, originally a 16th-century fortress that now houses an archaeological museum. Continue along the ancient city walls, witnesses to A Coruña’s defensive past

Hércules Tower

Photo Stop Make a stop at the iconic Tower of Hercules, the oldest functioning lighthouse in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here you’ll have the chance to get off the tuktuk and capture stunning views of the Atlantic coast. Exploring the Coast: Orzán Cove and Riazor Beach From the majesty of the tower, the tuktuk will take you through the charming Orzán Cove and along Riazor Beach, an ideal place to observe the vigorous Galician sea and local life.

Riazor Football Stadium and Octopus Monument Pass by the Riazor Football Stadium, home of the Real Club Deportivo de La Coruña, before heading to the curious octopus monument, which celebrates the region’s rich marine gastronomy.

San Pedro Mount: Panoramic View Climb up to San Pedro Mount, where another photo stop awaits. From this elevated point, enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the city with the sea as a backdrop, a perfect moment for memorable photos.

Return Through the Urban Heart Your return route will take you through Pontevedra Square and Lugo Square, centers of local activity and commerce. Notice the impressive Banco Santander building and the iconic Obelisk, before concluding your journey back at the cruise terminal.

This tuktuk tour not only offers you the opportunity to see A Coruña’s highlights but allows you to experience the city in a unique, comfortable, and sustainable way, making the most of every moment to learn about its rich history and culture.


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